Party with the locals!

Barcelona and Catalonia boast a packed calendar of traditional festivities, with celebrations held year-round. As part of our service, we’ll give you the lowdown on the very best events taking place in Catalonia during your visit.

They are events that everyone looks forward to and the time local people really get together and have a lot of fun.

Some of the oldest and most famous celebrations in Catalonia include the medieval Dansa de la Mort (Dance of Death) performed at Easter in Verges, or the fiery Patum festival held on Corpus Christi in Berga. Every town and village across Catalonia celebrates the feast day of their patron saint, and then there are festivals in honour of everything from the grape harvest to carnival.

At a traditional Catalan festa, you’ll see processions featuring gegants (giants) and capgrossos (giant-heads), be able to watch the stately sardana dance, and dodge
fire-spitting dragons during the correfoc (fire-run). You will be awe-inspired by the castellers as they carefully build their amazing human towers, and join the locals for a big celebratory feast, perhaps featuring a gigantic paella, or a huge communal barbecue of Catalan sausages.

Festivals are a great way of getting a taste for local life. We’ll let you know about the events that are on when you are planning to come and arrange for you to take part.

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Please contact us or call us to get started.

Anthony guided us through the sights, sounds and tastes of Barcelona with confidence and he knew all the right places, which enabled us to get that authentic experience.

Mark Walker TSC foods, UK

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